Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I hope everyone is having a great summer. Mine has pretty much just begun. I went through the moving process during late May and early June, attending the Technology In Education conference where I was a presenter, and attending IMP training at LHS and finally I am able to relax and take some time to blog, and hopefully get you involved in this class and blog.

Remember your summer assignment? Well if you lost it or never got one, email me and I will send you a copy. Also, I would like you to post any questions that you have about the summer assignment here and get some help from your classmates. This is going to act as a precursor to how we use the blog during the school year. I would like you to get used to this thing early.

One more thing, post a comment to the blog just so I know you are getting this. Thanks!


Kate Sundgren said...

I think I've figured it out, thanks!

Steener said...

a work in progress along with band memorization

Devon Barrow said...

okay, I think I figured out the blog. the math packet is going well too!

jaemin said...

I got it.